Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Repair A Faulty Dvd

Repairing a damaged DVD is a creative process.

Repairing faulty DVDs is a process much closer to folklore and legend than to scientific process. The hundreds of home remedies for making DVDs play despite various levels of damage cover a huge range of effectiveness and creativity. These remedies include practical measures such as cleaning and drying, as well as radical measuring including toothpaste, peanut butter and microwaves. While no DVD repair treatment can guarantee results for every situation, the most reliable treatments can easily be implemented as a first response to skipping or damaged DVD, while some methods should be saved as a last resort.


1. Clean the disc carefully using a solution of liquid dish soap and water, applying the solution with a damp cloth in a direct motion from the center of the disc to the outside. Dry with a clean, dry cloth in a similar motion, or allow the disc to air dry in an area out of direct sunlight.

2. Purchase a commercial CD/DVD disc repair kit, and place the faulty disc in the cleaning apparatus. Follow the instructions provided to repair the disc. Commercial disc repair kits do not always work, but they are the cleaning and repairing method that is least likely to cause more damage to the disc, and should be used first whenever possible.

3. Apply a small amount of liquid car wax to the scratched area, and allow the wax to dry until it is hazy rather than wet in appearance. Gently buff the area by rubbing it softly back and forth with a clean cloth, working from the center of the disc to the outside, avoiding a circular motion.

4. Apply non-gel toothpaste that does not have excessive whitening ingredients to the disc in small amounts near the scratched area. Gently buff out the toothpaste with a clean, soft cloth, working from the inside to the outside, avoiding buffing in a circular motion.

5. Wipe the inside of a banana peel around the surface of the disc. Dry the disk using a soft, dry cloth and wiping from the center of the disc in a direct motion to the outside.

Tags: center disc, from center, from center disc, with clean, center disc outside, circular motion, clean cloth