Friday, August 9, 2013

Home Remedy To Fix Scratched Dvds

The shiny, reflective playing surface of a DVD can get scratched no matter how carefully the disc is handled. When a scratch happens, there are a few home remedies to try before you give up on the disc. Does this Spark an idea?


Polish the DVD using toothpaste with a baking soda base. Dab a small amount on a soft cloth and gently apply the toothpaste from the center to the edge of the DVD. Do not use a circular motion. Rinse the toothpaste off immediately after polishing, using warm water. Let the disc dry completely before playing it.


Put a thin amount of a petroleum-based product or liquid car wax over the scratched area of the playing surface. Wipe away any excess off with a soft, lint-free cloth using an inside-to-outside motion.


Spray a small amount of the eyeglass cleaner on a soft, lint-free cloth. Gently wipe the playable side of the disc in a straight line, working from the center to the edge.

Tags: center edge, from center, from center edge, lint-free cloth, playing surface