Monday, September 13, 2010

Repair A Small Gas Engine

Small gas engines, such as those used in lawnmowers, can be repaired at home.

Small gas engines are often used to run everyday items such as lawnmowers, grass trimmers and chain saws. Some run on pure gas some use a fuel mixture. As with all engines, things do go wrong and a little bit of knowledge about repair them does can save you time and money. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Check the fuel in the engine. This may sound basic, but as with motor vehicles it is all too easy to let your engine run dry of fuel. A tip is to always use good quality gas as the cheaper options can often clog up the workings of the engine.

2. Clean the carburetor and filter. These will be located in different places on different engines so a handbook is necessary. As with a car engine, these items do need replacing but cleaning debris from them can make their working life last a little longer. Carburetor cleaner can be purchased specifically for this purpose.

3. Test the starting mechanism on the engine. Some are started by a pulley and some by switch. Check that there are no loose parts on the starter.

4. Clean the spark plugs in the engine. As with car spark plugs, these can sometimes become corroded and checking them will ensure that any damaged parts are noticed and replaced.

Tags: Small engines, spark plugs