Monday, January 24, 2011

Get A Free Car To Go To Work

Get a Free Car To Go To Work

A car can be a major if not impossible expense for families in need. With a lowering economy and jobs few and far between many families need travel further then before and may need a car to get there.


1. In order to qualify for a free car through many programs you most to show that you as soon as you get a car or way to get to work you will find a job immediately. In some cases they will give you a said amount of time to find a job, usually six months before the car would be given to someone else in need that is able to find a job. After you find a job most programs allow you to keep the car.

2. Check with family services, many programs that gather donated cars to give to individuals needing a car to get to work will give first to families through the state's family service division.

3. Contact your local career center a request information on local programs for a free car. If they do not have a program of their own they will know who to call. It is important to go through the career center because most programs will not even talk to a individual unless they are referred by the career center a being a individual ready to work.

4. Be patient and use all resources possible to find a job a get there everyday. Those with a job will be more likely to get a car. However if the job is possible to get to through public transportation be prepared for them just to offer you help in paying the fees. If their is problems in this such as you would not be able to pick up kids in time for school, medical condition, or the public transportation does not work around hours given by the employer let the program know.

5. Stay in touch with the program adviser and keep them advice of your status. Each program is funded in a variety of ways, most involve some sort of government funding. In order to keep funding they must show the program is a success in getting low income workers past barriers and to work. So advisers must choose participants that they believe will benefit and use the free car as intended to keep the program afloat.

6. See resources below for more information get free grant money government to pay off debt..

Tags: career center, families need, Free Work, many programs, most programs, public transportation, they will