Monday, January 24, 2011

Change The Battery In A Craftsman Garage Door Opener

Change the Battery in a Craftsman Garage Door Opener

The small lithium battery in your Craftsman garage door opener is designed to last a long time (approximately five years). Nevertheless, there will come a time when the remote's battery needs to be replaced. You can purchase a replacement battery at many electronic stores because it's very similar to the battery in most automotive keyless remote fobs. In most cases, a non-functional remote means the battery is dead. The remote may need to be reprogrammed after battery replacement; see the Tips section for programming assistance. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove the metal visor clip from the Craftsman garage door opener. Locate the small slot on the remote's side.

2. Insert the edge of the visor clip into the slot. Turn the clip to pry open the garage door opener.

If your remote is missing its visor clip, you can also use a small flat-head screwdriver to pry it open.

3. Pry out the old battery with your finger; do not use a tool--this could damage the terminal.

4. Insert the new battery in its place. Make sure the positive sign (+) is facing up.

5. Position the top half of the Craftsman garage door opener on the bottom half. Press the two halves together to snap the remote back together.

Tags: door opener, garage door, Craftsman garage door, garage door opener, visor clip, Battery Craftsman, Battery Craftsman Garage