Friday, April 13, 2012

Repair Home Window Glass

Thankfully, window glass is not as expensive as it was about 75 years ago, but repairing broken window glass is still a nuisance. Grab a few tools and some leather work gloves and you can have your window fixed in an hour or two. Note that this method works for single-pane windows. Double-pane window repair requires factory tools and a replacement window. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the height and width of the pane of glass you're repairing. Subtract 1/8 inch from the totals to allow for slight expansion in the wooden frame. Order a piece of window glass of the appropriate size from your local hardware store.

2. Remove all the broken glass from the window by pulling it out of the frame. Wear gloves and place the broken glass in a paper bag or box to throw away.

3. Scrape away the hard window putty from the inside of the window using the flat head screwdriver. Pry out any trim that was holding the glass in place. Be careful not to crack the trim, since you will use it again when you put the window back together.

4. Pull out the glazing points with needle-nosed pliers. Glazing points are the little metal points that are pushed into the wood to hold the glass securely in place. Throw away the glazing points.

5. Clean any dust or debris from the inside of the window with a rag. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid cuts from small shards of glass.

6. Run a 1/8-inch bead of acrylic caulk around the perimeter of the window in the small ridge (called the rabbet). Press the sheet of glass in place against it, using just a gentle pressure to create a seal.

7. Press the glazing points into the wood around the window, flush against the glass to hold it in place. Push the points in place firmly with the flat head screwdriver.

8. Replace the wood trim removed earlier by tapping the nails back into the wood with a small hammer, being very careful not to hit the glass. Replace the window putty by making a 3/8-inch rope of putty and pressing it into place around the window.

9. Use a small putty knife to press the putty into the corner around the window, tapering it smoothly to make a clean wedge. Dry for a few weeks before painting.

Tags: around window, into wood, window glass, broken glass, flat head, flat head screwdriver