Monday, September 30, 2013

Repair A Water Damaged Ipod Touch

When your Apple iPod Touch becomes water damaged, whether due to full submersion or excess humidity -- such as when you leave it in the bathroom with you during a long shower, for example -- signs that a problem exists with the device may or may not appear immediately. Regardless of how slowly or quickly symptom show, take quick action to dry out the device to avoid a costly professional repair.


1. Hold down the "Home" and "Lock" buttons at the same to turn the device off. Water damage is intensified if electricity flows through an iPod Touch when it has water inside it.

2. Pour a zip-top bag approximately 50 percent full of uncooked white rice. Place the iPod Touch inside the bag, fill the bag with more rice until it's full, then seal it.

3. Leave the iPod Touch in the bag for at least 24 hours.

4. Remove the device from the bag and power it on. If it does not immediately power on, return it to the bag for 24 more hours, then repeat trying to turn it on.

Tags: iPod Touch