Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Repair Fujinon Binoculars

Fujinon binoculars are made by Fujifilm. The company produces a series of consumer-level general binoculars designed for wildlife and bird watching. The company also produces a line of optics for marine use and large scale industrial use. If you have Fujinon binoculars that need basic repairs, follow some tested methods. If the lenses are damaged, however, send the binoculars to the company to be fixed by a certified optic tech.


1. Tighten the optic chamber casing screws by locating the screws along the optic barrel end. Turn the screws clockwise until firm but not forced.

2. Screw the focus adjustment dial if it is loose. Many of the optics have a screw in the middle of the dial, allowing you to tighten via the set screw.

3. Dab a thin line of the clear adhesive glue to any rips in a rubber casing. Fujinon offers binocular models encased in hard rubber and this rubber may tear. Use clear adhesive to maintain the color and integrity of the hard rubber case. Let the glue dry before use.

4. Dust the lenses after repair using the dust-free lens cloth and the compressed air. Wipe away any dust particles from the lenses. Check the rubber eye pieces. If cracked or loose, pull the offending rubber piece off the eye chamber and push the new replacement eye piece on the eye chamber.

Tags: clear adhesive, Fujinon binoculars, hard rubber, piece chamber