Thursday, November 28, 2013

Take A Trampoline Apart

Disassembling a trampoline isn't nearly as much fun as jumping on it.

A trampoline can be an excellent source of exercise and endless hours of summer fun. Leaving a trampoline exposed to the elements during the winter, however, can shorten your trampoline's lifespan considerably by rotting the jumping mat and corroding the metal legs that support it. Your trampoline should be disassembled and its parts stored in a dry place during winter to ensure that you get years of enjoyment from it.


1. Remove any ties or straps that connect the frame to the jumping mat. Place them in a labeled container if they're not permanently sewn to the jumping mat.

2. Disconnect the frame surrounding the mat, using a screwdriver or pliers if necessary to loosen fasteners. The frame will probably break down into at least four semi-circular parts. Place the fasteners into a labeled container and the frame parts in the large bag.

3. Start removing springs from the trampoline, working from one side to the other. Remove the first spring, then the spring on the opposite side of the trampoline to prevent the frame from twisting. Work your way around the trampoline, removing springs at opposite ends. Use pliers if necessary, but be careful not to bend the springs during removal.

4. Place the springs in a labeled container. Roll up or fold the mat and place it into a bag. Set the bag and container with the springs aside with the other containers so you don't lose them.

5. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for disassembling the legs. Most trampoline legs will require a screwdriver to remove parts that connect the legs. Put the screws or fasteners into a labeled container.

6. Place the legs into the bag with the jumping mat if there's room; otherwise, use masking tape to keep them together. Put all of the containers and the bag in a dry, clean place for the winter.

Tags: labeled container, during winter, fasteners into, fasteners into labeled, into labeled, into labeled container