Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Upgrade A Mobile Home Roof

Upgrade the roof of a mobile home quickly with peel-and-stick roofing.

Peel-and-stick rolled roofing applications are gaining recognition among homeowners and roofing contractors. The ease of installation and the speed of application are a welcome change from the old days of hot tar and propane torches. The aluminum coating reflects heat from the roof, thus reducing energy costs. The material adheres to most surfaces and even seals itself around holes to form a waterproof barrier. Most of these new applications carry the Energy Star rating. Upgrading your mobile home roof with this energy-efficient, easy-to-install application could save you a substantial amount of cash in the long run. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Wash the roof with dish washing soap and water. Allow to dry. Clean oil and grease with degreaser.

2. Scrape off all loose areas of existing paint or other material with the metal scraper. Remove brittle and flaking caulk with the wire brush. Do not force the material off. Remove rust from metal with the wire brush.

3. Wash the roof with dish washing soap and water again. Allow to dry for 24 hours.

4. Apply asphalt primer to the roof with the paint roller. Allow the primer to cure for a minimum of one hour.

5. Roll out 10 feet of self-adhesive peel-away roofing material on the roof with the adhesive backing facing the roof. Ensure that the sheet is aligned straight with the edge of the roof. Roll the roofing material back 7 feet. Remove 2 feet of the release film from the roofing material and press the sheet down to the roof to adhere. Re-roll the roofing sheet back onto the adhered portion of the sheet to gain access to the release film. Slowly unroll the roofing sheet while simultaneously removing the release film and pressing the sheet onto the roof. Press the roofing material firmly in place with your hand. Work your way down the sheet smoothing and pressing the material down. Roll over the edges with the hand roller to secure them.

6. Roll out the next 10 feet of self-adhesive peel away roofing material along the predetermined 3-inch lap line of the previously installed sheet. Roll the roofing material back 7 feet. Remove 2 feet of the release film from the roofing material and press the sheet down to the roof to adhere. Re-roll the roofing sheet back onto the adhered portion of the sheet to gain access to the release film. Slowly unroll the roofing sheet while simultaneously removing the release film and pressing the sheet onto the roof. Press the roofing material firmly in place with your hand. Work your way down the sheet smoothing and pressing the material down. Roll over the edges with the hand roller to secure them.

7. Repeat Step 6 until the roof of the mobile home has been completely covered.

Tags: roofing material, release film, roof with, roofing sheet, access release, access release film