Friday, June 26, 2009

Repair A Microwave Appliance

A microwave oven is used by many households around the world. It is one of the fastest ways to get food hot and ready to eat. It saves time and is a convenient appliance for those who are busy and on the run. When a microwave stops working or is giving you problems, it can be one of many reasons. It could be a blown fuse or other defective part. Does this Spark an idea?


The Process

1. Find out if the fuse is bad. Remove the outside unit cabinet to retrieve the fuse. You may need a screwdriver to get it out from near the power chord. If the fuse is burned, it will look black on the inside. Replace the fuse in your microwave with a new fuse from a local hardware store.

2. Find out if the door switch is working on your microwave. Open the microwave door to see a hook inside of the door. Check if the prong is damaged or missing. Purchase a switch from your local hardware or appliance store.

3. You must have the name of your microwave brand to make your purchase. Take the old switch to the appliance store with you to make sure you buy the correct size. Unplug the microwave, and get ready to replace the switch. Look at the wires that hook up the switch to make sure you connect it correctly. Take out the old switch, and connect the wires to the new switch.

4. Replace the magnetron in your microwave if it is defective. This may be the reason your microwave isn't working. Overheating may cause the magnetron to become defective. This task is dangerous, and you may have to hire an appliance technician to get this job done for you.

5. Clean out any food particles behind the fan motor. Replace the fan motor in your microwave by taking out the outer unit cabinet. Use a screwdriver to remove it. You will find the fan motor behind the back of the microwave on the control panel.

Tags: your microwave, appliance store, defective This, local hardware, make sure, Take switch, unit cabinet