Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tips On Repairing Garage Door Openers Electric Eyes

While you should inspect and troubleshoot a garage door, repairs are something else entirely. The mechanics that go into the creation of a garage door opener may seem rather simple, but the tension required to pull the heavy door effortlessly up and down can potentially cause great harm. Always check the batteries of your remote control first before looking for a problem. Does this Spark an idea?

Inspect the Open-limit Switch

A garage door that closes but refuses to open is probably the result of an open-limit switch getting stuck. Inspection of the switch, and replace it if necessary. If the open-limit switch is fine, the door may simply need adjustment. The latter cause is especially likely during very humid weather in which the heat makes the door expand.

Inspect the Beam Sensor

If your remote control garage door opens but won't close, the problem is likely related to the beam sensor unless your inspection leads you an obvious physical obstruction. The beam sensor is possibly unplugged or out of alignment. Examine whether the beam is faulty by holding the wall switch that overrides the sensor.

Open the Door Maually

The problem causing a garage door to behave sluggishly is tested by opening it manually. A manually smooth-opening door points to an electrical problem causing it to behave erratically. If manual operation is difficult as well, it is time to use lubrication.

Examine the Tension Springs

While you should not try to repair or perform maintenance on the tension springs, you should observe them for troubleshooting purposes if it appears that the electric eye is working properly. If you notice that the coils are either unevenly spaced or appear to bulge out, call for a professional inspection. Do not attempt to fix the springs yourself.

Paint or Stain Wooden Doors

The electric eye isn't much use if your garage door is destabilized due to rot. Keep a wooden garage door finished with paint or stain. A lack of paint or stain on the wood can lead to problems with moisture damaging the wood. The finishing process must take in all exposed wood areas, including the side facing indoors and the bottom edge.

Inspect the Alignment of the Door

If your garage door is the kind that wakes up everyone in the neighborhood thanks to its noise, the most likely problem is either that the door is out of balance or has become misaligned inside the tracks. Try cleaning and lubricating the track before calling in a pro. Also review consumer complaints about your particular brand of garage door because some use metal wheels that are noisy no matter what.

Tags: garage door, garage door, open-limit switch, paint stain, problem causing, remote control, While should