Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Repair Rust Above The Wheel Wells On A Ford F150 Truck

Repair Rust Above the Wheel Wells on a Ford F-150 Truck

The Ford F-150 is a pick-up truck that is still manufactured today. The first Ford F-series was produced in 1948; the F-150 appeared in Ford's lineup in 1999. With their close proximity to the wheels, the wheel wells can experience rust and corrosion. If the rust problems result in rust-through or holes, then it is necessary to replace the panel above the wheel. However, with proper and frequent rust removal in this area, the wheel wells on your Ford F-150 can last for many years.


1. Use a scrubbing brush especially made for automotive applications from a hardware or auto parts store. Scrub away the rust above the wheel well. The long handle of the scrubbing brush makes it easier to reach all over the well. This is a good way to remove surface rust. You can also use sandpaper or a sanding block to remove the rust.

2. Spray WD40 around and in the areas above the wheel well. Wait about 20 minutes for the lubricant to soak into the rust then scrub the area with the brush. Use a damp paper towel to wipe away the rust and the lubricant, then dry the area with a paper towel. The lubricant helps to remove tougher rust stains.

3. Put on rubber gloves and apply rust remover to the damaged area and above the wheel well with a paper towel. Follow the label directions regarding length of time for the rust remover to set in. Wipe the area clean and dry. Rust removers dissolve rust using acids as their most active ingredient.

Tags: above wheel well, Ford F-150, paper towel, wheel well, above wheel, Above Wheel Wells, area with