Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learn Basic Plumbing

Learn basic plumbing to take care of minor issues.

If you've ever had a plumber come to your house, only to charge $100 to stick a wire down your drain, you may start wondering how you can learn basic plumbing on your own. With some basic plumbing skills, you could save yourself money every time you have minor plumbing issues. Gain knowledge through a variety of sources and you'll be able to take on your next clogged drain or leaky pipe. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase an introductory plumbing book. Start with a good book that teaches you the basics of how plumbing works. You can also purchase a general home do-it-yourself book, which will have some chapters on basic plumbing. It's also handy to have this as a reference when something goes wrong. A book can help you with ideas of what to do when you get a leaky faucet.

2. Use videos to see plumbers in action. Even though books may have pictures, it can be hard for them to show what exactly you need to do when handling plumbing repairs. Videos can be a great help for this. You can purchase a DVD set that shows you fix the most common problems. For example, a video can teach you identify and turn off the water main for your house or replace a broken pipe.

3. Take a plumbing course. If you are thinking about plumbing as a career or simply want some more hands-on experience, take a course through a local plumbing school. A community college may also offer courses. A basic plumbing course can teach you what you need to know for home repairs, such as unclogging drains and installing new pipes.

4. Visit your local hardware store for mini-courses. Some hardware stores offer short courses--a couple of hours--on specific plumbing issues. For example, you may be able to learn change a toilet. Check the nearest store to see if they offer classes.

5. Work as an apprentice. If you are serious about a career in plumbing, you can work alongside a professional plumber to gain both knowledge and experience. Look for a plumber that does new installations as well as old repairs so that you can get the full wealth of knowledge you should have as a plumber.

Tags: basic plumbing, plumbing course, plumbing issues, your house