Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Troubleshoot Sears Garage Door Opener Receivers

Fix the receiver so you can park your truck before it rains.

When a garage door opener receiver stops working, frustration builds quickly. The receiver won't open the door and the only way to open it is to press the button inside the garage. Troubleshooting a Sears garage door opener receiver only takes a few minutes, and will save you money because you will not have to call out a technician for repairs. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Push the button on the receiver. If the receiver has a light, see if it is lit. If the light isn't turning on or there is no light on the remote, the battery needs to be replaced.

2. Open the receiver by applying a flat screwdriver to the slot in the side of the remote. Inside, a silver cylinder that looks like an over-sized watch battery rests inside two metal clamps. This is the battery. Most Sears receivers use a 2032 battery, which can be purchased at Sears and parts stores. Place a new battery into the slot.

3. Place a ladder under the garage door opener's motor. Climb the ladder and open the back door on the motor casing. A square reset button should be visible. Press the button, then press the receiver's button. This will sync the receiver with the opener.

Tags: garage door, garage door opener, door opener, door opener receiver, opener receiver