Monday, June 25, 2012

Get A Government Grant To Improve A Business Storefront

Government grants can help pay for storefront business improvements.

Local governments are increasingly recognizing that quality of life on city streets is reflected in the quality of storefronts and street-level businesses. Beyond just recognition, governments are providing grant money to small and medium-sized businesses for storefront improvements. Grants are typically around $10,000 to $15,000, although each community allocates its resources differently. The money can be used for a variety of improvement projects, such as better lighting, new facades, windows or doors, painting and better security. Here's explore the grant opportunities in your area.


1. Search for grants. Try a search on Google or another search engine for the phrase "storefront improvement grant" along with the name of your community. Start with a search on your city name. If nothing comes up, try a new search on your county name, and then your state name.

2. Storefront grants can pay for windows, paint, doors, security and other features.

Explore grant requirements. Typically, storefront improvement grants, known as SIPs, have a number of requirements. Grant recipients must have appropriate business licenses and registrations for their area, and either own the property in question, or have a reasonably long-term lease. There may be geographic restrictions on who can apply and program deadlines. Most grants are geared to small and medium-sized businesses.

Make sure your business is eligible before committing to the grant process. Most cities have a help desk that can provide more information about the grant process itself.

3. Government grants can help fund small business improvements.

Look for other opportunities. Even if you missed the deadline on a storefront improvement grant, don't despair. The organization that hosted the grant, usually a government-run business development program, may have other grants available. Be sure to actively explore their website and give them a call.

Also visit, online or in person, your Chamber of Commerce, as they frequently highlight grants and other funding opportunities as well. See the links in the Resources section of this article for examples of storefront grants and Chamber of Commerce funding opportunities.

Tags: storefront improvement, business improvements, Chamber Commerce, funding opportunities, Government grants, Government grants help