Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Attach Asbestos Siding

Use a T-square when installing asbestos shingles.

Asbestos siding has been around for quite a long time. It was commonly used on houses from around 1920 to 1970. It is referred to as asbestos cement siding and was made by adding Portland cement to asbestos. This was then pressed into siding shingles which came in a wide variety of sizes and profiles. Asbestos has since been found to be dangerous and can cause cancer if it becomes airborne and is inhaled. Attaching asbestos siding is similar to attaching any other type of siding to a wall. With the proper tools, it can be accomplished in no time. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the area of the wall where the asbestos siding is going to be installed. Run a tape measure along the length of the first side and do the same for the height, using a ladder if necessary. Multiply the length by the height to get the total square footage for the first side of the house. Repeat the same process for each side of the house. Add up the total square footage of each side. This will determine how much siding will be necessary for installation.

2. Snap a chalk line along the entire first side of the house, about four inches up from the ground. This is where the first line of siding will be installed. Measure the width of the siding. Be sure to leave that much width---between chalk lines---as you measure, working your way up until you reach the top of the house.

3. Line up the first piece of asbestos siding along the chalk line and nail it in place with a nail gun. Insert a nail every six inches along the board, beginning about half an inch from either side. Line up the second piece right next to the first, and install it in the same manner. Continue in the same manner until reaching the end of the house.

4. Cut the siding to fit with a circular saw, if necessary. Mark the piece with a maker and draw a straight line with a T-square, so a perfect cut can be made. Move up to the second level of siding. Then, continue around the entire first side of the house, working left to right and up the side of the house.

5. Snap a chalk line along the second side of the house and install the siding, repeating Steps 1 through 4. Repeat this process for each side of the house until all of the asbestos siding has been properly installed. Inspect the siding to make sure there are no nails sticking up and no gaps between the pieces.

Tags: side house, asbestos siding, first side, chalk line, each side, first side house, chalk line along