Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mobile Home Wood Pellet Stove Installation & Ducting

Mobile Home Wood Pellet Stove Installation & Ducting

Jerry Whitfield, president of Pyro Industries in Everett, Washington, invented the pellet stove for home use in 1983. The stoves burn pellets of compressed wood or other materials instead of logs. The stove caught on quickly in the Northwest, but did not begin to be popular in the Northeast until the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is possible to buy a pellet stove that can be installed in your mobile home. However, care must be taken in the installation. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place the stove where there is nothing combustible within 36 inches.

2. Protect the floor by installing a pad that's made of cement, steel, tile or stone. If the pad is metal, it needs to be at least 26 gauge. The dimensions of the pad must be 6 inches beyond the front of the pellet stove, 24 1/2 inches long and 30 1/2 inches wide. If you have a chimney tee, make sure the pad extends 2 inches on either side of the tee.

3. Install the pellet stove pipe so that there is no more than 12 inches between the outside wall and the stove if you vent it directly through an outside wall. Install an insulator or sleeve around the pipe as it passes through the wall that is 18 inches in diameter so as not to directly transfer the heat from the stove onto the walls of the mobile home. If you have a chimney, make sure the stovepipe passes no closer than 3 inches to any burnable material.

4. Install the stove only in a room that has at least 16 inches of ceiling height above the pellet stove. Do not install a pellet stove inside your bedroom.

5. Secure the stove to the floor when installing a wood pellet inside a mobile home.

6. Install the termination of the pellet stove's ventilation at least 4 feet from any door which opens, 1 foot from a window any window you don't open, and 4 feet any window you do; 1 foot above any door and window and 3 feet above from any building that may be adjacent or any burnable wall. Make sure to terminate the vent at least 1 foot above grade, 2 feet above anything burnable on the ground such as grass or plants and 7 feet above any walkways that run beside the house. If there are any air intakes for other household appliances, make sure the vent terminates 3 feet from it as well as 4 feet from any air supply to the building. Keep the termination of the vent 3 feet from a gas meter or a veranda or deck that has an open floor beneath. The termination should be 1 feet from an inside or outside corner and 6 feet from a vent outlet for a service regulator.

7. Plug the pellet stove into a 60 Hz grounded outlet that is at least 110-120 volts. Never use an outlet adapter with the wood pellet stove.

Tags: feet from, pellet stove, feet above, mobile home, pellet stove