Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lower Utility Bills

Utility bills can be costly, especially during cold winter months or a hot summer. There are several simple things you can do to lower your utility bill. Most of the things you can try are fairly inexpensive and easy to implement. And if it saves you money, it's worth it in the long run.


1. Use fluorescent light bulbs. These bulbs not only last longer than regular light bulbs, but they also use less energy when in use, costing you a lot less on your energy bill.

2. Turn off your appliances and unplug them when they are not in use. Even if your appliance isn't on, if it's plugged in, it's using a small amount of energy. Unplug them to receive a small drop in your bill. It may not be much savings up front, but over time, your savings could be significant.

3. Take shorter showers. Reducing shower time will not only lower your water bill but your energy bill as well. This is an easy way to save a little on your utility bills.

4. Set your thermostat a degree or two hotter in the summer and colder in the winter. One or two degrees won't make too much difference in your comfort level, but it can give you significant savings on your bills.

5. Repair leaky faucets and toilets that continually flush. Just a small faucet leak can waste a significant amount of water. Make repairs in order to save on your bill.

6. Wash dishes and clothing only when you have a full load. Smaller loads will waste water and energy, so maximize your cost by only washing a full load at a time.

7. Air dry your clothing rather than using the electric dryer. This may require you to get creative if you don't have a clothesline. You can use a shower curtain rod or purchase a small drying rack.

8. Have your home inspected by a local utility company. They can tell you where you can make improvements to your home in order to save even more on your utility bills.

Tags: your utility, energy bill, full load, light bulbs, lower your, order save