Thursday, March 4, 2010

Replace Exterior Window Glass

Replace exterior window glass to protect your home.

Broken window glass can cause your home to be compromised. Inclement weather, bugs and intruders can access your home when an exterior window is in disrepair. Replacing window glass is something any homeowner can do as a do-it-yourself weekend project. It is important to repair the window as soon as possible to avoid damage or theft in your home. Set aside some time to learn this skill and you will be able to repair and even restore aging windows on your property. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Score along both edges of the window glazing around the glass and window frame lightly with a utility knife to break the seal.

2. Pry along the edges of the glazing to carefully remove it with the edge of a putty knife. The glazing seals the window.

3. Remove the glazier's points from around the outside edges of the window with the tip of a flat head screwdriver. The glazier's points hold the glass against the frame of the window.

4. Push up on the back side of the glass to remove it from the window frame. Use caution if the glass is broken or cracked.

5. Brush around the opening where the glass rests on the frame with a wire brush to remove old caulk and debris. Sand the wood with fine-grit sandpaper until it is smooth.

6. Apply a bead of window caulk around the opening where the glass sits with a caulk gun. Lay the replacement glass on top of the caulk and carefully press it into place.

7. Push glazier's points into the frame around the glass with the tip of a flat head screwdriver. Space the points in the same configuration as they were when you removed them.

8. Seal the seam around the glass and frame with glazing putty and the blade of a putty knife. The angle should slope out to the edge of the frame from the glass. Smooth the glazing with the knife as you apply it.

Tags: your home, around glass, glazier points, window glass, around opening, around opening where