Friday, April 9, 2010

Repair An Electric Stove

repair an electric stove

Have you noticed that your roast is not baking or broiling in the oven portion of your electric stove? Even though you set the temperature and turned on the timer, when you return the inside of the stove is cold and the food is still raw. Don’t worry! With a few simple tools this problem can be solved quickly and easily. After an initial set of fact finding steps, two simple repairs can make all the difference. Caution--an electric appliance carries a risk of shock and safety precautions are vital! Does this Spark an idea?


Checking for power

1. Inspect the outlet into which the stove is plugged. The plug should fit into the outlet snug and secure but it may have loosened. Unplug the electric stove and plug it back in to be certain that a good connection has been made.

2. Examine the clock of your electric stove. If it does not show any time, the outlet should be checked.

3. Take a small lamp or other electric appliance you know works well and plug it into the outlet where you usually plug in the stove.

4. If the appliance does not work, the outlet is to blame and may need to be replaced.

5. If you establish that the clock works fine, it is time to test the range burners. If they work well, you have isolated the problem to be in the oven area of the electric stove only.

Checking the oven setting

6. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 350 degrees F. Return after 10 minutes to check for any heat. If the oven does not heat up at all, turn it off.

7. Turn on the broiler for 10 minutes and return to check the temperature. If the broiler element failed to heat up, turn off the broiler.

8. Ensure that the oven portion of the electric stove has not inadvertently become set to the self cleaning cycle. Cancel the self-cleaning cycle and additionally undo any manual lock-out which may be set for the self cleaning cycle to start.

9. Check for a display that may indicate a delay mode. In the alternative, a cooking cycle may have become set and is therefore barring you from using the oven at this time. Examine the timer function and ensure that no cycle is currently programmed into the system of the electric stove. Most electric stoves offer the option of a manual timer override.

10. Push the button for the override and repeat steps 1 and 2. If neither the baking nor the broiling element heat up, you have isolated the problem to be either the thermostat or the wiring.

Checking the thermostat and wiring

11. Look for a bake selector switch. Unless your electric stove features this switch, it is controlled by a thermostat. Unplug the stove and troubleshoot the thermostat by adjusting it incrementally to hotter or higher temperature.

12. Turn on the oven and set the temperature once again to 350 degrees F. Return after 10 minutes to check for any heat. If the oven does not heat up at all, turn it off again.

13. Unplug the electric stove once more and locate the wiring that supplies the bake and broil elements with power. Two fuses—30 amps each—are frequently present.

14. Locations for the wiring and fuses vary; your owner’s manual will offer you detailed schematics about the site of the fuses and also alert you if this particular electric stove operates with different amperages.

15. Replace both fuses at the same time and retest the operation of the electric stove.

Tags: electric stove, electric stove, heat turn, your electric, your electric stove, after minutes