Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Make A Temporary Muffler

Temporarily replace a broken muffler with another cylindrical object.

Having car problems at an inconvenient time or location can be obnoxious and nerve-racking. If you notice that your muffler is damaged or even about to fall off, you can temporarily repair it with a cylindrical object and heavy duty duct tape. All temporary vehicle repairs must be done with caution and in a safe area away from traffic. Remember to take your car in for professional repairs as soon as possible.


1. Put the car in park. Turn it off. Set the parking brake. If repairing the muffler on the street where the damage occurred, make sure you are completely away from traffic with your emergency lights on.

2. Fit your length of pipe to the end of the damaged muffler. You can use any cylindrical object for this, including something as commonplace as a soda can. The object must be open on both sides.

3. Tape the pipe to the end of the broken muffler. Use heavy duty duct tape liberally. Drive directly to a repair shop for permanent repairs or home to wait for the next available appointment at a shop.

Tags: cylindrical object, away from, away from traffic, broken muffler, duct tape, duty duct, duty duct tape