Friday, March 9, 2012

Start A Fire Extinguisher Business

Start a Fire Extinguisher Business

A fire extinguisher business can be a lucrative endeavor. In almost every state in the United States there are laws and regulations for businesses requiring fire extinguishers. Your success will depend greatly on your ability to market yourself and how much competition there is in your area. You may have to start out on a part-time basis until you take your share of the market, but customer service and excellent marketing will have you in business quickly.


Start a Fire Extinguisher Business

1. Check with the local building code inspector and fire marshal to get exact requirements for businesses, apartment buildings, and single-family rental properties regarding fire extinguishers. They will be different in various states. This way you will know who is required to have them and you can plan on keeping the largest amount on hand of the most common one.

2. Meet with an accountant to have him set up your bookkeeping system. He will be able to tell you what is tax deductible, pay your estimated federal income taxes, set up a payroll and collect and pay state tax, if any apply. Go over a budget with him so you know what percentage of your capital you should use for each part of the business, such as inventory, office supplies, advertising and utilities.

3. Download a money management program to track expenses and inventory and pay bills. Most programs also have customizable invoices that you can use for your business. Set up the program according to your accountant's suggestions. Then download a calender for the following year. This way, you can easily determine when the fire extinguishers need to be updated or charged for your customers.

4. Set up a filing cabinet to keep all of your paperwork. You will need a drawer for customers, another for receipts and expenditures, and another for keeping track of utilities and other bills. This will make doing your taxes much easier come tax time. Plus having all your paperwork is advantageous if you should get audited by the IRS.

5. Market yourself by getting business cards out to everyone you know. Leave them in offices where people may wait and post them on bulletin boards wherever you find one. Leave a pile in the local Real Estate offices. Join local groups and organizations like the Kiwanis Club. Advertise in the local paper and on Send brochures to apartment building owners and business owners throughout your area. Be creative, like asking the local school if you can come into the classes to show children use a fire extinguisher, and then let them take home a packet with your brochure and business card in it.

6. Set up a website and have a designated email address and phone number on it that is just for your business. Try to get an 800 number that is catchy like 1 800 get fire, or see fire. Do the same with the website address. The easier your name is to remember, the more customers you will have. Make sure you get listed in the Yellow Pages, in your phone book, and online too.

Tags: Fire Extinguisher Business, fire extinguishers, Start Fire, Start Fire Extinguisher, Extinguisher Business