Monday, March 26, 2012

Repair A Rubber Floor Mat

In addition to providing a cushion over another surface, rubber floor mats are popular because they are durable and not easily damaged. Rubber floor mats are also easy to clean and maintain. You are probably better off replacing a rubber floor mat that has become severely damaged and won't cost much money to replace. Repair floor mats that are more expensive with a rubber repair kit.


1. Use a garden hose to rinse off your mat and remove any loose dirt or debris.

2. Pour some household detergent into a bucket of water. Add enough detergent so the water is soapy.

3. Dip a scrub brush into the solution and give the mat a good scrubbing. If the mat has grooves, make sure the brush reaches into those areas as well. Shake off the mat and allow it to air-dry.

4. Inspect the mat for stains or ripped and missing pieces of rubber.

5. Remove stains with the appropriate cleaning product or household items. Tar stains on car floor mats, for instance, can be removed with linseed oil or peanut butter.

6. Repair any slices or torn part of the mat with a rubber repair kit. These kits help glue pieces back into place or fill in missing areas. Follow the instruction exactly on the kit's packaging.

7. Wipe off any excess material on the mat from the rubber repair kit with a damp rag. Rinse off the mat and allow it to air-dry.

8. Spray a commercial rubber protection product onto the mat. These products are available at home improvement, hardware and many grocery stores. Work the rubber protector into the mat with a cloth.

9. Wipe the mat with a clean cloth to restore its shine.

Tags: floor mats, rubber repair, allow air-dry, rubber floor, with rubber, with rubber repair