Friday, March 30, 2012

Become A Commercial Appliance Repairman

Appliance repairmen must compete with do-it-yourselfers.

If you like to work with your hands and have good customer service skills, you may enjoy a career in commercial appliance repair. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) notes that job prospect for home appliance repair technicians is expected to be excellent, probably because appliances will always break down. There are several ways that you can train to be an commercial appliance repair technician.


1. Get a job at an appliance supplier or repair company. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most appliance repairmen and women begin their careers with no formal training. Instead, they receive training by attending in-house seminars and working with more experienced technicians. Attend as many trainings as possible to get experience and skills that will help you find your next job.

2. Take high school or post-secondary courses related to appliance repair. Enroll in your high school's electronics or appliance repair vocational program or similar programs at two-year schools, technical schools or online. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these courses are not usually required to get a job as an appliance repairman, but they can help you stand out to employers as a person who will need less training.

3. Obtain appliance repair certificates. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires refrigerator repairmen to earn a license in handling refrigerants. Further, the National Appliance Service Technician Certificate and Master Certified Appliance Professional designation are two voluntary certificates that can help set you apart as a competent technician.

Tags: appliance repair, Bureau Labor, Bureau Labor Statistics, Labor Statistics, According Bureau, According Bureau Labor, commercial appliance