Thursday, December 5, 2013

Market Your Plumbing Business

A trustworthy image can help a plumbing business to thrive.

The best plumber in the world won't be a success if nobody knows that he exists. Marketing and advertising your business is just as important as being good at what you do. Using a variety of carefully targeted marketing techniques can get the word out to potential customers efficiently and effectively, helping you to make a good living with your plumbing skills. Market consistently in the right places, and over time the public will begin to recognize your name.


1. Put a prominent advertisement in your local paper every week. An ad placed once or twice a year is probably a waste of money. The idea of newspaper advertising isn't to get a particular customer, but to put your name and your business into the public eye. To do that, you need a consistent presence.

2. Put a sign on the vehicle that you use for work. Whenever you drive it, you're advertising. Be sure that both the sign and the vehicle look professional. If you're driving a battered truck with a poorly made sign on it, you're more likely to drive customers away than reel them in.

3. Have some professional business cards made and use them whenever you can. Put them up on public bulletin boards and give them to anyone who may have a need for your services. Give several to your customers so they can give them to their friends and family. Include your name, address, phone number, email and website on the cards.

4. Make an easily transportable lawn sign that you can put on the lawn of any property you're working on. This helps to get your name out, and also demonstrates that people are hiring you, something that will increase the confidence level of potential customers.

5. Develop positive and ongoing relationships with the staff at your local plumbing supply, hardware and home improvement stores. These people see lots of home renovators and builders. If your name is foremost in their minds when someone asks about plumbers, it may lead to work for you.

Tags: your name, give them, potential customers, sign vehicle, your business, your local