Monday, March 22, 2010

Resealing A Mobile Home Roof

Mobile homes often have metal roofs that require regular resealing.

When a roof develops problems such as cracks or leaks, homeowners can choose to replace the roof completely or take measures to repair it. Mobile home roofs often have a protective sealant that, over time, can develop cracks that allow moisture to invade the roof. Roof sealants not only seal out moisture, but some products protect the roof from mildew and algae. Others reflect sunlight, keeping the home cooler in summer. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place a ladder at the end of the mobile home opposite from the end where you will begin sealing the roof. Use a second ladder to access the roof for preparation or use the original ladder and walk across the roof. Always begin at one end and finish at the other.

2. Trim away branches and limbs that hang over the roof or that might pose a hazard while you're working.

3. Scrape away damaged areas of the roof with a wire brush or scraper and use sandpaper to smooth and level the edges of the damaged area. If the roof has shingles, hammer loose nails back into place. Sweep the roof with a broom to clean it.

4. Mix a trisodium phosphate (TSP) with water at the rate called for on the product label. Apply the solution with a pressure washer or use a stiff broom to scrub the roof with the TSP. Rinse thoroughly and allow the roof to dry for several hours or overnight.

5. Use a paintbrush to apply sealant around vents, pipes and chimneys. Paint the sealant on the rooftop for several inches around the object and 1 or 2 inches upward to complete the seal.

6. Screw an extension rod into the handle of a paint roller, if desired. The extension rod makes it easier to roll sealant over a large area. Stir and mix the sealing product, if needed. Many sealants contain fibers that settle to the bottom of the container.

7. Load the paint roller with sealant. Start at the outer edge of the roof and roll the sealant on to the roof surface as if you are painting or mopping a floor.

8. Roll the sealant using slow, even strokes, to ensure you apply the product evenly and completely. Cover only the area you can reach with the roller, and then back up and begin rolling the next section of roof, letting the roller overlap the edges of the section you just finished. Continue until you reach the other end of the home.

9. Roll the sealant as close to the edge of the roof as you can, and then get off the roof and stand on the ladder. Use the paintbrush to seal the last small band of roof. Allow the sealant to dry for as long as the product label recommends.

Tags: roof with, edge roof, often have, paint roller, product label, roll sealant