Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Grants To Fix Housing For Lowincome Families

Grants to Fix Housing for Low-Income Families

The federal government provides a number of loans and grants to enable low-income individuals to repair housing. Funds are either given directly to individuals or channeled through local government bodies or non-profits. These grants are offered by agencies such as the Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Does this Spark an idea?

Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants

The Department of Agriculture offers the Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants under the authorization of the Housing Act of 1949. Loans under the program may be used for general housing repair and improvement. The grants are intended for specific purposes: to remove safety or health hazards, or to make the home accessible to those with disabilities living on the property. Grants and loans are issued only in rural areas. Grants are up to $7500, while loans can total up to $20000.

Direct Housing-Natural Disaster Loans and Grants

Another Department of Agriculture program, Direct Housing-Natural Disaster Loans and Grants help those living in Presidentially-declared disaster areas, to repair damaged housing. Individuals receiving grants are required to be age 62 or older, and unable to repay a loan. Loans are available to those under age 62 who are able to repay. Both loans and grants are intended for owner-occupants in rural areas.

HUD Programs

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Affordable Housing Preservation (OAHP) administers two grant programs aimed at low income housing. The HOME Investment Partnerships Program provides grants to local jurisdictions such as cities and states to fund local affordable housing programs. The Self-Help Homeownership Program, or SHOP, provides grants to local non-profit organizations, which help to create housing opportunities for low-income families who volunteer their labor.

Tags: Loans Grants, Department Agriculture, Department Housing, Department Housing Urban, Direct Housing-Natural