Thursday, October 14, 2010

Find Home Improvement Grants For Winterization

It takes more than getting out winter clothing to prepare for winterization. Your home also needs winterizing to save on energy costs and to help you stay warm. Unfortunately, winterization costs money, which is something that many people don't have. Don't despair. You might qualify a home improvement grant. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Realize that winterization range from improving heat through insulation and weather stripping to addressing safety issues. Pipes in danger of bursting and poorly operating wood stoves and fireplaces can cause home safety issues.

2. See if you fall into any special population categories. Most home improvement grants for winterization serve the elderly or very low-income families.

3. Look at the USDA website to apply for the Home Repair Loan and Grant Program for low-income families and people with disabilities. To qualify, income levels must be less than half of the area median income.

4. Know that if you are over 62 and own your own home in a rural area of 10,000 people or less, you can qualify for a rural development home improvement grant for up to $7500 for winterizing, repairing your heating system and making structural repairs.

5. Check with social service agencies where you live about other sources for help with winterizing. Social workers can refer you to county and state programs that aid home improvement needs. Some agencies have an emergency fund for home repairs.

6. Contact area utility companies or programs at technology schools and ask if they offer grant programs or assistance with winterizing.

Tags: home improvement, home improvement grant, improvement grant, low-income families, safety issues, with winterizing