Thursday, October 14, 2010

Home Remedies For Scratched Discs

A lot of things are stored on discs today, from music and movies to video games and data files. Discs can perform well for years, but sometimes the inevitable scratch or two can't be avoided. When that happens, don't automatically throw the disc out. Some scratches can be repaired if they are not too deep.

Cleaning the Disc

Hold the disc up to the light, with the bottom side up, and look for scratches. With a soft cloth, wipe the disc, with a small circular motion--never side to side or up and down. Dampen the cloth or run water over the disc and pat it dry with the cloth or rub the scratched the area again. Hold the disc only on its edge or through the center hole.


To improve the disc's playing surface, you also can try isopropyl alcohol, Vaseline or a metal polish like Brasso. Apply a small amount to the damaged area and buff it with a soft cloth. Rub with a circular motion only. Rinse the disc and pat it dry. Toothpaste (not gel) is another good substance for repairing scratches. Squeeze some over the entire disc or just on the scratched areas and rub it around with your finger. Rinse the disc clean.


Finally, you also can buy a CD/DVD repair kit, like the Skip Doctor. The Skip Doctor will resurface the disc and minimize any scratches. Wet the disc with the spray bottle provided and put it on the tray, playing side up. Or load it into the repair device. Turn the crank so the resurfacing wheel passes over the disc. Re-wet the disc and reverse the direction to make another pass. Remove the disc, pat it dry and buff it thoroughly with a piece of felt, concentrating on problem areas. If the disc still skips or freezes up after trying these methods, it may be beyond repair.

Tags: disc with, Hold disc, over disc, Rinse disc, Skip Doctor