Thursday, July 21, 2011

Repair An Easy Set Pool

Repair Easy Set pools yourself.

Intex, the company behind several pool and pool accessory products, offers the Easy Set pool line. These pools are comprised of primarily a vinyl liner and inflatable top ring with the option to purchase a filter pump to keep the water clean. Because of the pool's simple design, most repairs will involve the pump mechanism or liner holes. Intex provides a few guidelines for performing these repairs. Contact Intex directly if necessary. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Tighten all hoses, seals, nozzles and connectors around the pump securely if the pump starts to leak. Inspect the hoses if a leak continues and replace any damaged ones.

2. Twist off the pump top and look for the O-ring, if the pump leaks around the filter. Replace the O-ring if necessary. Spray the filter cartridge with a garden hose if it appears dirty. Tighten the cover securely on top of the pump.

3. Remove the intake hose connecting the pool and the pump by turning the connecting nut counterclockwise. Empty the hose into the pool to clear clogs when the pump stops pumping water.

4. Twist off the pump top, remove the filter and replace with a new filter cartridge, if the pump becomes clogged or pumps slowly. The filter may become dirty or damaged and cause this issue.

5. Clean any holes in the vinyl liner with a cloth dampened with a solution of water and mild liquid detergent. Cut a circular vinyl patch about twice as large as the hole. Apply the included adhesive to the back of the patch and center it over the hole. Hold the patch on the hole for a few minutes until it sticks to the liner completely.

Tags: filter cartridge, Repair Easy, securely pump, Twist pump, vinyl liner