Friday, July 29, 2011

Illinois Weatherization Grants

Whether you need a home heater repaired or help with weatherstripping, if you are an Illinois resident you may be eligible for a weatherization grant through one of the state's public agencies or a private energy company. As of 2011, weatherization program eligibility is based on a family's combined gross income and is available year-round to qualifying residents.

Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP)

Allocated by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (, the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program, or IHWAP, is a federally-funded grant assistance program that provides weatherization to low-income families throughout Illinois. Eligibility is based on a family's annual gross income, which as of 2011 must equal 200 percent or less of the federal poverty level. If awarded, families are assigned an inspector who determines the problem areas in the home. Each family may receive up to $7,500 in assistance for home heating, appliance repair or replacement, or weatherization help with door, wall or attic insulation or sealing. Families must apply to IHWAP through their local Illinois CAA, or Community Action Agency.

Urban Weatherization Initiative

Allocated by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Office of Urban Assistance (, the Urban Weatherization Initiative was the first of its kind in the United States and was initiated in 2009. Eligibility for the grant program is based on a family's total gross income in relation to the Area Median Income, which may not exceed 60 percent. If awarded, a family receives up to $6,500 in weatherization help, including repair or replacement of existing heating equipment and home sealing services. Families may apply for both IHWAP and the Urban Weatherization Initiative for a total of $13,000 in weatherization help per home. Applications must be made through your local Illinois CAA.

Ameren Warm Neighbors Cool Friends Program

If you get your utilities from the power company Ameren ( you may qualify for weatherization assistance or home heating bill funding through the Ameren Warm Neighbors Cool Friends Program. As of 2011, applicants are eligible if they earn between 150 and 200 percent of the federal poverty level and have a personal family crisis that they must informally document in writing. Families may not have any existing bills over $750. If awarded, families receive up to $350 in bill matching.

ComEd Residential Hardship Grant

Customers of the power company ComEd ( may qualify for Residential Hardship funding if they earn 200 percent or less of the federal poverty level and have experienced an economic or personal hardship (such as job loss or disability) that hinders their ability to pay their winter or summer bills. The $500 grant is available once every three years and interested customers must submit applications to ComEd.

Tags: based family, federal poverty, federal poverty level, gross income, poverty level