Friday, June 8, 2012

Remove The Rear Bumper On A Ford Aerostar

The Ford Aerostar is a minivan with a plastic rear bumper. On most Aerostars, the rear bumper is gray and arrives unpainted from the factory. The bumper is very straight with the only rounded areas at each end, where it curves around the sides of the minivan. It is also thin and is only 8 inches tall. The Ford Aerostar bumper is relatively easy to remove compared to most other rear bumpers. You only need a few tools and can remove the bumper in less than 30 minutes.


1. Look just behind the rear tires to locate the rear mudguards. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws connecting the mudguards to the rear bumper. Pull the guards down off the van.

2. Locate the row of Phillips screws along each side of the bumper -- not along the rear of the van, but on each side where the bumper curves around the sides of the van. On the underside of this area, along the top of the back side of the bumper, is the row of screws to be removed.

3. Open the rear door of the Aerostar. There is a row of four bolts that need to be removed with a ratchet and a 10 mm socket. Once these are removed, the bumper should come off easily when you pull it.

Tags: Ford Aerostar, around sides, curves around, curves around sides, each side, rear bumper