Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Change A Headlight Switch On A 1995 Ford Aerostar

The headlight switch on the 1995 Ford Aerostar lets the driver change between low and high beams as well as dim the headlights. If any of these functions are not working, you might have to replace the headlight switch. The job isn't hard in a '95 Aerostar. The headlight switch resides to the left of and below the instrument panel. Few fasteners keep it in place. No specialty tools are needed. The job should take less than half an hour.


1. Turn off your Ford Aerostar. Prop open the hood.

2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.

3. Sit in the driver's seat and pry or pull off the sides of the lower dashboard. It's the large, rectangular bezel unit that fits below the instrument panel and steering column and abuts the left side of the ashtray and radio.

4. Remove the two Phillips head screws above the ashtray.

5. Remove the torx head screws below the instrument panel and pull the lower dashboard completely out.

6. Remove the two screws securing the headlight switch bracket.

7. Press the button on the bottom side of the headlight switch and pull out the headlight switch knob.

8. Disconnect the rear wiring harness. Pull the headlight switch off of its bracket.

9. Reverse the preceding steps to install the replacement headlight switch.

Tags: headlight switch, below instrument, below instrument panel, Ford Aerostar, instrument panel