Monday, April 27, 2009

Phalaenopsis Flowers Have Black Spots

Learn treat Phalaenopsis orchids infected with Botrytis.

Phalaenopsis is a botanical genus containing 60 species of tropical flowering epiphytic plants more commonly known as moth orchids. According to the University of Tennessee Extension, Phalaenopsis are among the easiest and most popular orchids to cultivate at home. Black spots on the flowers of Phalaenopsis orchids are the result of a fungal disease known as Botrytis. Botrytis control is difficult, but is not impossible. Does this Spark an idea?

Remove Affected Plant Matter

Remove infected foliage and flowers as soon as possible. Cut affected foliage from the plant with sharpened and sterilized pruning shears. Destroying the removed plant matter prevents the Botrytis fungal spores from spreading to other plants. After pruning the diseased foliage, wash the pruning shears in a solution of warm, soapy water and dry them with a soft cloth. Moisten a second cloth with rubbing alcohol and rub the blades to kill any lingering Botrytis spores.

Sterilize Surrounding Surfaces

Infected moth orchids may spread Botrytis spores to surrounding surfaces. Disinfecting these surfaces prevents nearby plants from infection. The Saint Augustine Orchid Society recommends wiping down any hard surfaces around infected orchids with a broad-range disinfectant, fungicide, viricide and algaecide. Create a homemade disinfectant solution by mixing 1/4 cup household bleach with 2-1/4 cups water. Discard any unused bleach solution.

Kill Fungal Spores on Plants

Botrytis spores linger on the moth orchid even after removal of the infected foliage and flowers. Wipe down the orchid's stems and foliage with a copper-based fungicide and bactericide. Always use fungicide products according to package instructions to avoid injury to yourself or your Phalaenopsis orchid. Copper-based fungicide products are not suitable for use on all parts of the moth orchid. Never apply fungicide to an orchid's flowers unless the product instructions explicitly direct.

Phalaenopsis Continued Care

Once the Botrytis is controlled, prevent future infections. Move the moth orchid to a spot offering better air circulation. Use a fan if necessary. Water moth orchids in the early morning and avoid wetting their foliage. Leaving an orchid's foliage wet overnight invites fungal disease. Provide daytime temperatures between 70 and 82 degrees and nighttime temperatures above 60 degrees. If the black spots reappear, swab the affected blossoms with a cotton ball dampened with hydrogen peroxide.

Tags: Botrytis spores, moth orchid, moth orchids, foliage flowers, fungal disease, fungicide products