Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mississippi'S Katrina Grants

Katrina Homeowner's Grants help homeowners rebuild their homes.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina swept over the Gulf Coast, devastating homes along the shoreline in Mississippi. Thousands of homes where left badly in need of repairs that often exceeded insurance claims. Additionally, Mississippi initiated new height requirements for homes in high-risk areas and many homes need to be raised to meet the new regulations. The Hurricane Katrina Homeowner's Grant Programs are available to help homeowners repair their damaged homes and meet new code guidelines.

Homeowner's Grant Program Phase I

The Homeowner's Grant Program Phase I provides financial assistance for homes outside of the flood plain areas to cover structural repairs caused by flooding. According to the state of Mississippi and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, homeowners may receive up to $150,000 with this program. The grant program will subtract any insurance or FEMA payments paid for structural damage from the final amount. Single-family homes, mobile homes and duplexes occupied by the owner are eligible for this grant.

Homeowner's Grant Program Phase II

Phase II of the Homeowner's Grant Program provides money for repairs caused by the storm surge. In order to qualify for Phase II of the program, the home must reside in Hancock, Harrison, Jackson or Pearl River Counties and must have been an occupied primary residence on August 29, 2005, according to the state of Mississippi. Additionally, the household income must be at or below 120% of the area median income. Recipients of this grant may qualify for up to $100,000.

Elevation Grant Program

The Elevation Grant Program is awarded in addition to Phase I or Phase II of the Homeowner's Grant Program. Homeowners that qualify for this grant can receive up to $30,000 in addition to the first grant award to offset the cost of raising their homes, according to the state of Mississippi. Homeowners who had flood insurance as of August 25, 2005 and meet the eligibility requirements for the National Flood Insurance Program cannot receive this additional grant.

Tags: Homeowner Grant, Grant Program, Homeowner Grant Program, Grant Program Phase, Phase Homeowner, Phase Homeowner Grant