Friday, June 18, 2010

Disable Taskbar Quick Preview Thumbnails In Windows 7 Home Premium

The Windows 7 operating system comes with a variety of visual and menu features that can help users navigate their computer. One such feature, the taskbar thumbnail, creates a preview image of a folder or icon that appears when a user moves the mouse over the folder or icon. If you use Windows 7 and want to disable this feature, you can do so using the operating system's group policy editor.


1. Click on the "Start" button.

2. Type "gpedit.msc" into the Start menu text box. Press "Enter" to open the computer's group policy editor.

3. Click on the arrow next to the "User Configuration" folder on the left-hand side of the screen.

4. Click the arrow next to "Administrative Templates."

5. Click on the "Start Menu and Taskbar" folder to open it.

6. Double-click on the option labeled "Turn off taskbar thumbnails."

7. Click on the box that displays the word "Disabled."

8. Click on "Enabled." Click "OK" to prevent thumbnails from appearing on your taskbar.

Tags: arrow next, Click arrow, Click arrow next, Click Start, folder icon, group policy