Thursday, June 17, 2010

Get Rid Of Tree Roaches

Tree roach is a popular name for critters of the wood or American cockroach species. They cannot bite or spray, but they are scary-looking invaders that can leave feces and saliva on household items. Get rid of your creepy crawlers with these hints for a roach-free home. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Check all entryways for cracks, holes and uneven alignment. Tree roaches often find themselves indoors by accident. The easiest way to discourage their invasion is to ensure that windows and doors have been properly sealed. It's also a good idea to check basements, attics, crawl spaces and foundations.

2. Close up, tie, tape or bag every last crumb of food in your home. Cockroaches will navigate towards scraps left on dishes and cereal boxes left half-open. Most people skip this step for a more aggressive approach (such as pesticide), but the truth of the matter is, tree roaches will leave if you have nothing to offer them.

3. Turn off outdoor lights as often as possible. Male cockroaches move toward light, especially in early summer when they are flying. Keep it dark in May and June.

4. Use bait traps if you have only encountered one or two tree roaches, but consider dusts or sprays for a larger problem. No form of pesticide has been incredibly successful with wood cockroach species, but this approach will likely kill off some of the population.

5. Store firewood away from the house and reduce the indoor moisture level. Keep bathtubs, sinks, washer/dryer units and entryways dry at all times. This is not a preventative step; these actions will send tree cockroaches elsewhere to look for food and habitats.

Tags: cockroach species, tree roaches