Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Actions To Take For Water Damage In Mobile Home

Water damage

Water damage in a mobile home is a financially and personally trying experience to deal with. Along with memories and collectibles that may have been lost, the structural repairs caused by water damage can be costly and time-consuming to fix. While prevention is always the best action to take, not every instance is controllable. There are some things you can do after the fact to repair the water damage in your mobile home. Does this Spark an idea?

Call Your Agent

If you have mobile home coverage or even renter's insurance, contact your insurance company before taking any actions for water damage in your home. Depending on the cause of the water damage, you may have coverage to help with any repairs to the dwelling or reimbursement for assets lost or damaged. Your agent will also provide advice for clean-up procedures that will not interfere with any claim investigations. If the damage is extensive, take photos for your personal reference.

Protect Your Valuables

Move personal and valuable items away from the area with water damage. Immediately set clothing, furniture, fabrics and books out to dry. Use fans and dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process. If the water damage was recent, you should have no problem drying out your valuables and protecting them; however, if the water has been sitting for a week or more, many of your items could be contaminated with mold spores and should be thrown away if they are incapable of being thorough cleaned. Do not use bleach or harmful chemicals to clean any organic materials. Consult with your agent or your local department of safety for safe chemicals and cleaning procedures.

Water Removal

Removing the excess water is vital in restoring the living space within your mobile home. Consider hiring a licensed professional to deal with the water as well as killing any mold growth that may have occurred from the water damage. Put soaked or moldy materials in sturdy plastic trash bags to prevent contaminating the rest of the home as you transport it outside. Begin by pulling up the carpet and removing the waterlogged padding underneath. Remove damaged drywall and insulation. Do not attempt to reinstall the old materials; instead, purchase new items. Move furniture outside if possible and separate the cushions and coverings to allow maximum drying. Shop-vacs and carpet cleaners are the easiest ways to remove excess water from carpeting and furniture. Never use your vacuum, since this can result in electric shock.

Repairs and Restoration

It is important that every item be completely dry before proceeding with the restoration process. If materials are still slightly wet, you will end up with a large mold colony that will result in expensive repairs and cleaning. Install new insulation, drywall and carpet padding. Consider having your carpet professionally cleaned to prevent mold growth before reinstalling it. As long as everything is dry, repairs should move smoothly and you can get back to a normal state of living. Perform regular maintenance and repairs quickly to avoid future water problems.

Tags: mobile home, water damage, damage your, deal with, excess water, mold growth, that have