Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Repair Mobile Manufactured Home Insulation

Mobile home

Prior to the mid-1970s mobile homes were common and construction standards were lower than they are today. Mobile homes were generally constructed with a metal roof. Modern homes have roofs constructed similar to standard home construction. All of these homes are built on a wood frame base constructed over belly paper. Insulation is placed over the belly paper. Does this Spark an idea?


Replacing Floor Insulation

1. Identify the area of the ceiling or floor that needs repair or replacement. Replace insulation in the floor with roll insulation. Ceiling insulation is the blown type.

2. Access the area needing attention. Replacing insulation in the floor will require that you cut the belly paper in the area needing replacement. Keep cutting to a minimum. Opening the paper will breach the integrity of the home and may create additional problems.

3. Cut manageable strips of roll insulation replacing damaged or missing insulation. Be cautious of wiring and drainage pipes when cutting. Spread insulation as flat as possible. Paper side of the insulation should face the bottom of home. This will allow you to staple it to the floor framing if you wish. Repeat the process in all areas needing attention.

4. Seal the portions of the cut belly paper with a new piece of belly paper staples between floor joists.

Replacing Ceiling Insulation

5. Create an access door for ceiling insulation replacement in a low-traffic area, such as a closet. Make sure that the area you chose is centrally located to insure that there will be enough roof pitch to allow you to get into the attic from the access door. Cut between stud framing.

6. Blow or scatter loose insulation into need areas of the ceiling. Insulation should not be packed down.

7. Frame up access door area and cover in a manner of your choosing. A piece of plywood screwed to framing is adequate. Gluing a solid piece of foam insulation to the attic side of the access door will help keep cold air from entering around the door.

Tags: belly paper, access door, area needing, homes were, insulation floor