Monday, October 1, 2012

The Best Vegetables To Grow In Cincinnati

Eggplant thrives in hot, humid summers.

Cincinnati is situated in a steep-sided, narrow valley on the north bank of Ohio River in Ohio's southwestern region. The city has a continental climate with a wide range of temperatures over the year. There is moderate cold with extensive cloudiness in the winter while the summer is humid and warm with average temperatures of 90 degrees. A variety of vegetables can be grown successfully in Cincinnati especially the vegetables with large seeds and the root vegetables. Does this Spark an idea?

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are highly nutritious and flavorful vegetables which grow in longer growing season of at least four frost free months and humid climates such as Cincinnati. Sweet potatoes are grown from 'slips' or sprouts which can be bought at any nursery. To grow your own sprouts, you need to get started at least eight weeks before planting. Plant sweet potatoes in well-drained soil and full sun after all danger of frost has passed. Sweet potato plants are very tender and have very little tolerance for frost. Water plants regularly during the summer. Sweet potato plants grow best in warm weather. After harvesting, let the vegetables dry on the ground for a few hours.


Celery is an easy to grow vegetable given the right temperature. Celery planted during the cooler seasons in Ohio such as early spring and fall produces large and tender growth. Celery needs about 125 days of a relatively cool growing time to grow best. To harvest in summer, start the plants indoor 10 to 12 weeks before the last spring date. Celery grows best in well drained soil and full sun. You can hasten germination by presoaking the seeds and transplanting outside when soil temperature is about 60 degrees. Celery needs heavy fertilizing such as regular feedings of rich compost while plants are growing. Celery is ready to harvest when outer stalks are about 6 to 8 inches tall.


Eggplant is a tender, herbaceous, warm weather perennial. The vegetables thrive in hot and humid weather and grow very well in Cincinnati summers. Plant the vegetable in fertile and well-drained soil and in a area of full sun. Start eggplants indoors about two months before planting outside or buy transplants from a nursery at the time of planting. Eggplants are ready to harvest when they are 4 to 5 inches long but can be left to grow larger. The best time to harvest is when skin is shiny. A dull skin is an indication of over ripening. When harvesting from the plant, leave about an inch of stem attached to the vegetable.

Tags: harvest when, before planting, Celery needs, grow best, potato plants, ready harvest