Thursday, June 13, 2013

Host A Pirate Party

With Hollywood's attention turning to pirates in the past years, it makes for a popular party theme for adults or children. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Decorate your home with a nautical motif. Fly the Jolly Roger and use ropes, nets and bed sheets for improvised sails.

2. Talk like a pirate. Employ catch phrases and dialect of a true pirate to enhance the mood as your guests arrive.

3. Serve a pirate meal. At sea, pirates ate a lot of hardtack and dried meat. The term "buccaneer" actually originates from the word "boucanier" or "smoker of meat," the men who made the jerky in little smokehouses on the islands.

4. Serve rum, or make a rum-based punch. "Rumfustian" is an authentic pirate drink made from a spiced mix of beer, gin and sherry.

5. Encourage your guests to dress like pirates, or give out bandannas and eye patches at the door. Remember, pirates dressed eccentrically; that is, they collected pieces from all the places they went and ships they raided. They often incorporated their loot into their attire.

6. Have a treasure hunt in your house or a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood. Give guests maps and clues and see who's first to the treasure.

7. Have a knot-tying contest.

Tags: hunt your, your guests