Thursday, December 24, 2009

Write Off Home Repairs

Home repairs can be written off in certain situations.

Write-offs, otherwise known as deductions, are tax breaks that are calculated against your gross income to reduce the overall amount you pay in taxes. For those taxpayers who choose to forgo the standard deduction and itemize instead, you can write off home repairs in some instances. In general, you cannot deduct expenses for repairs and improvements that increase the value of your home or prolong its usefulness unless they fall within guidelines. Does this Spark an idea?


Writing Off Home Repairs

1. Keep a meticulous record of every penny you spend on repairs for your home in regards to medical situations. This includes receipts for anything that is done to alter a home in order to make it more accessible for someone who is suffering from an illness or disability. Take into consideration all money spent for all expenses that ameliorate the conditions of the home, such as the costs for materials, labor installation charges ramps, railings in showers and bathrooms, elevators, raised sinks and enlarged doorways to accommodate wheelchairs. When you are filling out your tax form, deduct the total coasts associated with these repairs in the itemized deduction section.

2. Take advantage of the tax credits for repairing energy systems by replacing them with solar-powered systems. The difference between a tax credit and a deduction, is that a deduction reduces the overall amount of your income that is taxable. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of the actual amount of money you owe. Because of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, repairs and improvements made to homes on the basis that they improve energy efficiency can be applied to your deductions. This includes solar water heaters, solar panels, energy-efficient windows and air conditioners.

3. Maximize your deductions by familiarizing yourself with what constitutes the difference between a repair and an improvement. The cost of an entire project that includes both a repair and an improvement might be able to be written off in its entirety if they're both in the same location. For instance, if you have a leaky dishwasher, and a kitchen sink that backs up constantly, you might be able to remodel because of the need to redo the entire kitchen and write the entire expense off. As long as they're in the same area, you're generally safe.

Tags: difference between, might able, overall amount, repair improvement, repairs improvements, This includes