Monday, September 17, 2012

Get Certified To Become A Computer Repair Technician

Become a certified A+ certified computer repair technician.

A computer repair technician repairs, configures and builds computers. He is familiar with how each computer part works and how it is assembled in the computer. You can learn to be a computer repair technician by working with an IT company that specializes in computer repair and learn from experience. Or, you can enroll in a technical school to pursue the A+ certification.


1. Learn everything you can about your computer. Open your computer and look at the way it is assembled. Read about computer troubleshooting issues. Learn about the tools used and read disassembly instructions.

2. Take computer repair courses or enroll in an associate degree program. Practice any new skills you learn on an old computer. Start repairing your own computer or those of friends. Build a new computer for yourself using your newly learned skills.

3. Prepare for your A+ certification. Employee candidates with this type of certification are considered knowledgeable in their field. This is a two-part certification process. One part focuses on software, the other on hardware. Find a course at a local community college or a local CompTIA certification site. Visit a website like CBT Planet, E-Learning Center or Net Com Info (see Resources) if you would rather take an online certification course. Most online courses are in video format.

4. Read CompTIA certification preparation books to reinforce the information you are learning. These books hold all the information you need to pass the tests, but can be technical and may seem difficult without in class guidance.

5. Sign up for the certification exam. Authorized testing sites are in almost every city in the nation. Call your community college to find out where the testing centers are or find a testing center near you on the CompTIA website (see Resources).

6. Look for an internship program or a small company that needs an apprentice. This will give you practice. Apply for entry-level computer repair positions. Visit local repair shops or search the job classifieds and internet job sites like Monster to find available positions. Sign up with a temporary technical workers employment agency to get needed experience if you cannot find a permanent position for lack of experience.

7. Apply for a more permanent or better paying job once you gain more work experience.

Tags: computer repair, your computer, community college, company that, CompTIA certification, computer repair technician