Friday, September 14, 2012

Grants For People Who Need Work Done On Their Properties

Home renovations can be financed through grants.

There are several grants available to help people with home projects. Grants can be used to pay for renovations, repairs and improvements to homes and rental properties. Individuals and entities that are applying must meet the qualifications set by the grant program. Recipients do not have to repay the grants if they are in compliance with the terms of agreement.

Housing Preservation Grants

The Housing Preservation Grant program, sponsored by the Department of Agriculture, funds various housing projects in low-income areas. These grants pay for the renovation and repairs of homes, rental housing units and co-ops that house low-income residents. Funds are made available to homeowners, rental property owners and managers of co-ops. Eligible applicants that will disperse the money include state, local and tribal entities and nonprofit organizations. Grant funds must be used within two years.

Housing and Community Facilities Programs National Office

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Room 5014 South Building

14th Street and Independence Avenue SW

Washington, D.C. 20250


VA Specially Adapted Housing for Veterans

Sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), these grants provide financial assistance to modify homes owned by veterans to make them more accessible. Two of the grant programs, the Specialty Adapted Housing Grant (SAH) and the Special Home Adaptions Grant (SHA) are available to veterans with service-related disabilities. SAH grants amounts can reach $50,000, while SHA award recipients can get up to $10,000. The Home Improvement and Special Alterations Grant (HISA) can be awarded to veterans with service and non-service disabilities. The grant can be combined with the other two awards. The amounts vary; veterans with non-service disabilities can receive $2,100 while those with service-related disabilities can get $1,200.

Brian N. Bixler


Specially Adapted Housing

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

810 Vermont Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20420


Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program

The Department of Agriculture funds grants that will pay for revitalizing and renovating existing rural rental and farm housing units in areas with low-income residents. Authorized under the Housing Act of 1949, the Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program provides grants to eligible buyers and owners of the approved units. Grant recipients must sign a Restrictive Use Covenant for 20 years. This ensures that the housing units will be occupied by low-income residents.


Rural Development

Preservation and Direct Loan Division

Attention: Cynthia L. Johnson

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Mail Stop 0782

Washington, District of Columbia 20250-0781


Tags: Adapted Housing, Department Agriculture, housing units, low-income residents, veterans with