Tuesday, January 8, 2013

When To Put Up A Hummingbird Feeder In Austin Texas

Ruby-throated and black-chinned hummingbirds nest around Austin, Texas.

Several species of hummingbirds visit Austin on their migrations or breed in the area. Feeding these brightly colored birds gives Austin homeowners the chance to enjoy their antics and beautiful plumage. It also helps migrating birds get the energy they need to fly south to warmer climates in the fall. Does this Spark an idea?


Austin residents are most likely to see the ruby-throated hummingbird, which nests in eastern Texas during the summer. Black-chinned hummingbirds breed in the western half of the state and visit Austin occasionally. Other Austin hummingbird species include the green violet-ear, broad-tailed and rufous, which are usually seen during migration season in the fall.


Ruby-throated and black-chinned hummingbirds arrive in their Texas breeding grounds around March. Homeowners who put up feeders around this time may see large numbers of birds fresh from their migration north. Numbers tend to decrease during nesting season, when flowers are plentiful, then increase later in the year.


Austin hummingbirds tend to stay in the area until September or October before heading south to Mexico. Maintain feeders during the fall migration to see increased numbers of birds. Homeowners don't need to worry about tempting birds to stay too late --- they migrate according to their own internal schedule. In fact, some people leave feeders up all winter to attract rare and out-of-season birds.

Tags: Austin Texas, black-chinned hummingbirds, numbers birds, Ruby-throated black-chinned, Ruby-throated black-chinned hummingbirds