Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Radon Testing In New York State

Radon is a naturally-occurring gas in New York State soil.

Radon testing is not mandated by the state of New York, but it is strongly recommended. Radon is an invisible, radioactive gas that is present naturally in soil; the gas seeps into basements and crawlspaces and leaks into homes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers in the United States. Does this Spark an idea?


Radon is a radioactive gas, a naturally-occurring by-product of uranium. Certain areas of New York exhibit higher levels of radon than others. Generally, counties in the southern and western portion of the state have higher levels of radon in homes.


New York offers radon test kits for a minimal charge to owners of existing homes. The kit is free of charge for homes built in New York with "radon resistant" new construction and for New York residents who have concluded radon mitigation tests within one year's time.

Charcoal Kits

Most radon kits consist of a charcoal canister; the homeowner places this small canister in his basement for several days. The charcoal absorbs the radon in the air. The homeowner sends the canister to a laboratory, where the charcoal is inspected for radon. This is the simplest, least expensive, and least accurate of radon tests.

Long-Term Measurement

Long-term measurement is a better indicator of the presence of radon. New York recommends the Alpha Track (AT) detector, which measures radon over a year's duration.

Tags: higher levels, higher levels radon, levels radon, York State