Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do It Yourself At Home Glue For A Sagging Headliner

Consider buying two cans of glue.

Repairing a sagging headliner at home is a simple project, and it costs far less than taking the vehicle to a professional. With a screwdriver and a can of glue, you can improve your car's appearance and help to prevent an accident due to loss of visibility. The most complex part of the repair is removing and cleaning the board, so allow extra time for that step. You can either purchase new fabric, or, if the existing fabric is still usable, reattach it.


1. Remove all trim, the dome light and other obstructions so that you can remove the headliner and board. The trim is attached either with screws or clips.

2. Take the headliner out of the car and remove any fabric still attached. Scrape away any foam or glue stuck to the board. Be careful not to damage the fragile board.

3. Lay out the fabric on the board. Working with half of the cloth at a time, glue it to the board. Take your time with this step, since you cannot reposition the fabric once it has touched the glue.

4. Cut away any leftover fabric and cut the hole for the dome light.

5. Install the board. Secure it into place and reattach the dome light.

Tags: dome light, fabric still