Thursday, February 19, 2009

Grants For Widows Of War Veterans

There are grants available for widows and children of war veterans.

Widows of war veterans have a variety of programs available to them that offer financial aid. Some help is offered as grants, but there are pensions, scholarships and tax breaks available as well.

Florida's Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans and Service Members

Florida offers a college grant to widows whose partners died prematurely as a result of their service in the armed forces. The grant applies to course-work of "six-credit" hours or more. It is not available to those who have remarried.

Federal Pensions

Federal grant money for the widows of veterans usually comes in the form of a pension. This money is not applicable to those whose spouses died in combat, but applies to those who spouses served at least 90 days in a combat setting. The general figure is $7,498 yearly but may go up to a maximum of $14,298 if the person is in need of "aid and attendance."

Army Emergency Relief Spouse and Children Scholarship Program

This program is also given to the widows of veterans. You may apply whether you are currently in the U.S. or still overseas. You are not eligible if you are actively an officer in the military yourself.

Other Benefits

Some states, such as Texas and Tennessee, offer some relief or full remission of property taxes for widows of veterans who perished in combat.
