Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Find Grants For Native Americans

Find Grants for Native Americans

If you're Native American, and you'd like to attend school, start a business build a home or something else but you just don't have the personal funding for it - you should know about grants. Each year, the government puts aside millions of dollars in grant money to give away to Native Americans like you for many different things. This might include going to college, starting a business or even building a home. Below, you'll learn find grants for Native Americans.


1. Check out Native American Grants for College. If you'd like to attend college but you just don't have the money, grants can help you. There are many different grants for Native Americans which help with college. The Native American College Fund (website below) is a great place to start as they offer updated information on all grants which are available to help Native Americans attend college. Typically, in order to receive a grant, you will need to have a certificate showing that you have American Indian blood - and belong to a federally recognized tribe. There are several places where you can find college grant information, including:

By using this information, you can find grants for Native Americans to attend college.

2. Look into Native American Grants for Housing. There are also many different grants which are designed to help Native Americans obtain housing. Some offer money to help you build a home and others simply offer grants of land or material. Apply for the type of grant that would suit your needs best. If you can't find out through your tribe about getting a housing grant, there are a few places that can help you obtain information about these types of grants.

Indian Housing Block Grants -

Native American Veteran Direct Loan Program -

3. Evaluate Other Grants for Native Americans. There are many other types of grants which are specifically designed for Native Americans and can help with many things. There are a few great places to check for information, including Here, you can perform a keyword search which will allow you to see all listings related to your need. Whether you search for 'native American grants' or something else, you can get details for all the grants through this website.

You can then obtain the application for these grants through this website also. Find out what kind of information you must include with the grant application, and what criteria must be met in order to be eligible for the grant. This can help you make the process go faster and hopefully you will be approved faster as well. Remember that you can apply for more than one grant and hopefully by doing so, you'll increase your odds of receiving one.

4. Grants are a great source of help for Native Americans because they do not have to be paid back the way a loan would. Grants can help individuals go to school, build homes and many other things. Use the information above to help you find grants for Native Americans. Good luck.

Tags: Native Americans, Native American, attend college, find grants, grants Native, grants Native Americans